Maximilian Werner scores first World Championship point in Maggiora

Maximilian Werner of the JM Racing Honda team managed to score his first World Championship point in the tenth race of the world championship in Maggiora, Italy. In his Grand Prix debut, Werner managed to finish twentieth in the first moto and took the point.

As the EMX250 Championship is on a break, Werner and the team decided to participate in the Grand Prix MX2 in Maggiora. For Werner this was his first Grand Prix of his career. He started the weekend strongly by setting the twelfth fastest time in timed training. In the qualifying heat he got a very good start, but when approaching the first corner he collided with another rider, which caused him to lose his good start. To make matters worse, he crashed in the second corner, forcing him to come back to the front from the back. His riding went well in the beginning, but later in the race it started to become more difficult and he had to settle for nineteenth place.

Delvintor Alfarizi suffered a setback on Saturday because he crashed during timed training and broke the tip of his finger. In the qualifying heat he tried to ride and finished twenty-ninth. On Sunday morning he tried to ride in the warm up, but unfortunately it was too painful and he couldn’t hold the handlebars well enough, so Alfarizi decided not to ride for the rest of the day.

Werner managed to get a very good start in the first moto and fought well in the top 10 – top 15 in the first twenty minutes. Because this cost him a lot of energy, he had to drop the pace in the last ten minutes and fell back to twentieth place. This earned him his first World Championship point of his career.

At the start of the second moto Werner had wheelspin which caused him to dive into the first corner at the back. It was very difficult to overtake during the heat and that meant that he could only achieve twenty-fifth place.

Maximilian finished in 23rd place in the daily rankings. The JM Racing Honda team will now prepare themselves for the two Grand Prix’s in Indonesia, starting in the weekend of June 29 and 30.

Overall Grand Prix MX2 Maggiora:
1 Sacha Coenen 43 Pnt
2 Liam Everts 43 Pnt
3 Valerio Lata 36 Pnt
4 Andrea Adamo 36 Pnt
5 Simon Laengenfelder 35 Pnt
23 Maximilian Werner 1 Pnt

Photocredits – Fullspectrum Media

Maximilian Werner seventh in EMX250 Latvia

In the sixth race of the EMX250 Championship in Kegums, Latvia, Maximilian Werner of the JM Racing Honda team finished seventh.

Kegums has been the circuit where the Latvian Grand Prix has been held for the last fifteen years. The heats of the EMX250 class were completed under perfect conditions, while the MX2 class had to deal with rain showers here and there.

In the MX2 class, Delvintor Alvarizi had a difficult start to his weekend, the practice sessions did not go as planned, but fortunately he managed to find a better pace in the qualifying heat. He eventually finished 23rd. In the first heat on Sunday, Delvintor got a good start after which he finished the first lap in twenty-first place. He then lost a few places during the heat because he couldn’t get into his rhythm and had to settle for twenty-fifth place. In the second moto he had a good start after which he managed to make up a few places in the first lap, but unfortunately he was thrown from his bike in the second lap and hit the ground hard. Alvarizi tried to continue riding, but unfortunately this turned out not to be possible due to the pain.

In the EMX250, Werner had a reasonable start in the first moto. He came out of the first lap in ninth place, but because he had difficulty concentrating he lost a few places in the early stages. Fortunately, he was able to recover afterwards and came back to the front with a good pace, eventually crossing the finish line in ninth place.

During the night from Saturday to Sunday, Maximilian suffered a setback because his bag with cross gear was stolen. This bag contained his knee braces and other gear. Fortunately, he was able to borrow braces from another rider and he stood behind the starting gate with mixed feelings. Once the gate fell, he rode a solid race in which he again finished ninth. “All in all, quite a good weekend in terms of riding, we were able to make another step in the right direction and I am happy with that,” said Werner.

This weekend the MX2 World Championship will continue in Maggiora, Italy. The EMX250 Championship will be continued at July 27 and 28 in Lommel, Belgium.

Photocredits – Fullspectrum Media

Max Werner takes top ten place in EMX250 Germany

Max Werner of the JM Racing Honda team managed to achieve a top ten place in his home race of the EMX250 Championship in Teutschenthal, Germany. He managed to achieve this in the first heat with a tenth place. In the second moto he came back to nineteenth place after a crash at the start.

Werner started the weekend energetically by setting the ninth fastest time in time practice. For Werner this was his strongest qualifying yet and it gave him confidence for the first heat.

In the first moto Werner got a good start and went into the first corner in fourth place. In the corner he fell back to sixth place, but he managed to regain this position during the first lap. In the first 10 to 15 minutes he rode strongly but then he lost his rhythm and fell back to tenth place.

Eager for a better result, he started in the second heat, but unfortunately he crashed in the first corner and had to start the race last. Things went well again in the first ten minutes, but just like in the first moto he then lost the rhythm and it became more difficult. Werner kept fighting until the finish, but he couldn’t get more than nineteenth place.

With a 10-19 in the heats, Werner finished twelfth in the overall standings and is now thirteenth in the championship.

Delvintor Alfarizi crashed in the third corner at the start of the first moto of the MX2 class. Because the bike suffered damage, he had to return to the pits to repair it. To get to know the circuit better, Alfarizi finished the race and started preparing for the second moto.

In the second moto he got a good start and was able to keep up with the pace of the riders in front of him in the first ten minutes. He rode in a group up to the eighteenth man. Unfortunately, he got a block pass from the rider behind him and due to this he crashed and hurt himself. Alfarizi finished twenty-seventh and therefore remained scoreless in Germany.

This weekend, JM Honda Racing will race the ninth round of the world championship in Kegums, Latvia!

hotocredits – Fullspectrum Media